David Strom has no evidence for his speculation; I've been wondering the same thing

please come back, oh puleeeze?

Will the DNC Riots Be Canceled?

The best possible thing for Trump’s chances would be if we got a repeat of the Chicago riots of ‘68 at the DNC convention next week, but the crazies have been ominously silent about their plans. Strom wonders whether their financial backers are instructing them to cool it, for now, and that seems depressingly likely.

This is all speculation on my part, and one of the main organizers of the riots is saying that the plans are moving forward. No doubt he and the true believers would be all in on the death and destruction no matter who the Democrat nominee is, but that doesn't mean that the people funding the buses that get people to the rallies remain so. 


If there are riots at the DNC, it will obviously be a huge problem for the Democrats, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for anything like what we have seen this summer. Much of what we saw was organic, of course, but much of it was organized by agitators, and many of the people are professional protesters who get their money through shady, leftist third parties. I would be surprised if those third parties won't be pressured to stand down. 

It's not just the Iranians, after all, who fund these insane protests. A lot of the money flows from the government to nonprofits that aid the rioters. If the Democrats really want these protests to simmer down they can exert a lot of pressure on their ideological partners. They can't control them per se, but they have influence. 

This is all speculation on my part, and obviously, I have no direct line to the thinking of the people who do this sort of thing. Perhaps I am being too cynical, but next week, let's watch and see if the dog doesn't bark when expected. 

Is it too late to start a GoFundMe transportation fund?