When they say what they're going to do, believe them. and, when they insist that that's NOT what they intend, then don't.

No man's life, liberty, or cattle are safe while the legislature is in session

Cutting emissions could cause food production to fall by a QUARTER as experts admit there is a 'strong trade-off'

  •  Experts have said lowering greenhouse gasses will result in less food supplies

  •  This could be offset however by reducing food waste and eating less meat

Food production could fall by 25 per cent in England under the most ambitious plans to reduce carbon emissions, a Government study has concluded.

Experts at conservation body Natural England who looked at nine scenarios to change land use found that it was not possible to deliver a strong reduction in greenhouse gas emissions without reducing the food supply.

Their report said: 'At the UK scale, there is a strong trade-off between emissions reduction and food production.'

It added: 'Under the most ambitious climate change mitigation scenario, food production is expected to decline by up to 25 per cent. 

'A decline in food production is unavoidable under these mitigation scenarios.'

But, and here it comes …

According to the report, losses in food supply could be offset with changes such as reducing food waste and eating less meat.

Meanwhile, lowering meat consumption would reduce the need for using farmland to grow animal feed crop; plants for human consumption could be grown instead.