Your body, her choice

Uninjected? You Need Not Apply to Harris Campaign

The Harris campaign has a job listing for a “National Booker,” tasked with working “with the Surrogates Communications Director and Deputy Communications Director to execute Harris for President’s strategy for deploying surrogates and allies across national and regional media outlets.”…

In the fine print at the bottom of the listing, the campaign makes it clear that it also expects the would-be employee to be completely caught up on his or her coronavirus vaccinations.

The requirement reads:

Harris for President requires all employees to be “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign’s COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department prior to reporting to an office location.

The job listing can be found here.

In the Demmerkrat world, virtue signaling trumps science, every time.

The “vaccine” neither prevents infection nor stops it from being passed on, so there is no possible benefit to an organization requiring its staffer to subject themselves to injection, except as a loyalty test; an updated SS armpit tattoo, in fact.