Tax unrealized capital gains at 25%? Democrats say "YES!"

It’s a fun concept, and Harris/Biden supports it. Your IRA or investment account shows capital gains one year, and poof! — the tax man cometh to take a 25% bite. The next year, market fluctuations being what they are, those gains are reversed, and your account is worth less (or worthless); don’t expect the tax man to reappear at your door with a wheelbarrow of dollars to make up for it, because the New World Order is unburdened by what has been.

Of course, this new taxation system will only be applied to the “thousand billionaires” Harris and her fellow looters like to cite, won’t it? Well, to quote Will Rogers, “the difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets”. The 1913 income tax was enacted and intended to achieve “income redistribution” rather than just revenue; that is still the avowed goal of she who would be queen, and there’s absolutely no reason to think that the looters will stop at just billionaire victims. See, eg, income tax rates and applicability , 1913-2024.

When the unrealized gains tax becomes universal, and it surely will, I wonder how homeowners will feel about paying an additional tax each year on their home’s increased value?