What a number of us on this blog have been saying all along

awfuls against trump

Rick Moran, PJ Media:

There's Only One Thing That Truly Unites Democrats: Hatred of Donald Trump

Rick Moran

The Democrats are going to be tough to beat in 2024. They are as unified behind Kamala Harris as the Republicans are behind Donald Trump.

Republicans are unified behind an agenda and a personality. But Democrats are unified not behind any grand ideas or exciting personalities. Democrats are unified by their hatred of Donald Trump, the same as they were in 2020 and 2016.

For eight long years, Democrats have not been running on any ideas worth mentioning, unless you call promising everyone more goodies an "agenda." They certainly haven't been running behind any scintillating personalities. Instead, their hysterical fear and hatred of Donald Trump has served as a uniting expedient. And the more hysterical the hatred, the more united they get.

It's like the stories parents tell their children to get them to behave. Trump is the bogey man and he'll come get ya if you don't join us. Otherwise, it's the threat that Trump will (choose one) "destroy democracy," "steal the election," or "enslave all minorities."

I confess to not watching the Democratic convention. It's more boring than most conventions simply because we all know exactly what they're going to say. Judging by the polls, the American people are tuning out the hysterical hate, also. 

“Until we defeat Trumpism there’s nothing else that really, really matters,” Rep. Ro Khanna of California told reporters after a delegate breakfast on Tuesday. “And if we don’t defeat Trumpism, we’re going to be in a world of hurt, because there could be years of Republicans in charge.”

democrat's platform