Free to lie, unburdened by what has been

PolitiFact: Kamala Harris Has Not Called for the Confiscation of Guns

“The phrase "gun confiscation" is broad and could lead voters to think that Harris wants to confiscate all guns from law-abiding owners. That’s not what she has said.

Further, those rights are constitutionally protected by the Second Amendment. In the U.S. gun buybacks are programs organized by local police departments that voluntarily allow people to turn over their guns in exchange for something, such as a gift card.

While running in the presidential primary in 2019, the then-California senator said she supported a "mandatory gun buyback program" for assault weapons. It did not apply to all guns, and she no longer holds that position.”

PolitiFact, Politico, they’re all in the tank for Mrs. Light Bringer:

Politico headline: "Accusation" 

And here’s the Indian herself, demonstrating that she and her handlers can blatantly lie, secure in the knowledge that the flying monkeys will protect her; no fact-checking for friends on the left:

“Trump’s false claims about fracking bans are an obvious attempt to distract from his own plans to enrich oil and gas executives at the expense of the middle class,” the Harris campaign said in a statement. “The Biden-Harris Administration passed the largest ever climate change legislation and under their leadership, America now has the highest ever domestic energy production.”

“She would not ban fracking,” a campaign spokesperson said in a follow-up email to POLITICO.

But …

And just for fun, here’s that wonderful mash-up again: