Who knew? Watermelons are now a symbol of solidarity with Palestinian terrorists — or something

Black and Arab progressives are GOING TO WAR on social media over Kamala Harris

I’m all for internecine warfare between the progressives, and it’s fun to watch, as shown below, but what really intrigues me is the transformation of the lowly watermelon from a derogatory term for blacks (nope, never understood that) to a sign of solidarity for the pro-hamasians). Personally, I prefer my own definition, one that I think is of my own coinage, but probably lifted from someone else, “Watermelon — a raving environmentalist: green on the outside, red on the inside”.

In any event, here’s what’s sprawling across the patch now:

Essentially, the rub is that black activists think it's anti-black if you don't vote for Kamala Harris because she now identifies as black instead of Indian.

And it gets better:The pro-Palestinians have even taken to calling black people colonizers

Which has resurrected discussion of the trans-Saharan slave trade.