It's not really all that funny, considering that 1/2 the country is prepared to vote for whoever isn't Trump, and doesn't care about the consequences

Harris Campaign Scared to Deploy Tim Walz For Hilariously Telling Reason


“While Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance has been barnstorming the country, doing dozens of events and interviews, Kamala Harris' would-be second-in-command has been kept in a box. While Tim Walz has awkwardly read a teleprompter a few times, he has yet to do a single interview or press conference. 

“That's a noticeable departure from how vice presidential nominees typically operate. They're supposed to be an attack dog. Someone who can go into the lion's den and put up a good fight. Vance has proven he can do that. Meanwhile, Walz is doing "white guy taco" videos and helping stage the gas station Dorito runs. To use a word the Minnesota governor has an affinity for, it's weird. 

“A new report is shedding some light on why Walz has been so confined, and it's both telling and hilarious.”

What about Tim? One of the issues that Harris world is currently working to address is how to deploy running mate TIM WALZ in the media. The danger in sending him out to do big solo interviews is that he might not have a full command of where Harris is on every issue. As someone pointed out to us last night, Harris talks about the “opportunity economy,” but if Walz were asked to define it, would he know how?

“Think about that. Kamala Harris' policy positions are so nebulous and undefined that her own running mate doesn't have a grasp of where she stands. This is a presidential ticket that has been together for a month, and Walz still can't be trusted to do interviews without possibly contradicting her. If this were a Saturday Night Live skit, what would be different?

“Here's the thing, though. Kamala Harris also doesn't have a grasp of where she stands. There's a reason her website still doesn't include a policy platform despite the Democratic National Convention having concluded. She is an awful politician hiding behind a teleprompter who doesn't hold a single principle other than her support for abortion until birth. Everything else is up in the air depending on what she thinks will help win her the election.

“The above article claims that Walz might not be able to define the phrase "opportunity economy," but I'd bet a lot of money that Kamala Harris can't either. It's nothing but an empty slogan meant to elicit an emotional response from people who vote based on vibes. The empress has no clothes. There is nothing behind the facade of the Harris campaign. It's being propelled by nothing but a biased press going along with the "joy" and "brat" gambit.


If you have a strong stomach and a taste for despair, read the Politico article Bonchie refers to, Playbook: Inside Harris’ big interview decision. This incompetent is still dithering about who she should sit down with for the single interview she intends to grant before Election Day. A black female interviewer, of course, but also one who is guaranteed to ask nothing but pleasant, softball questions: the Queen is definitely not going to grant her favor to that mean ol’ Lester Holt, who embarrassed her in 2021 by asking awkward questions about her role in the border disaster.

Can you imagine this pathetic creature sitting down to negotiations with Putin, say, or Xi? Or, for that matter, Albert II of Monoco?