New on Dingletown — updated: price reduced, listing is old

New to the market today, 87 Dingletown Road,’s asking price has been dropped to $4.150 million from its original May price of $4.395 (either I was asleep at the wheel when I posted this yesterday — very likely — or it was mistakenly logged into the MLS as a new listing, and error that has now been corrected).

There’s an interesting adverse possession case involving these owners and their neighbor at 89 Dingletown, from 2011. Interesting, because the appellate court’s decision provides a lengthy discussion of the various elements required to establish a successful exercise of a claim to ownership by adverse possession under Connecticut law; useful if you’re eying your neighbor’s land with an eye towards expanding your own. In the event, the plaintiffs (owners of 87 Dingletown) were awarded one of the two parcels in dispute, “Lot X”, of 72 square feet, while 89 kept title to “Lot Y”, some 1,072 sq.ft.

Every lawyer loves disputatious neighbors.