The means are available to stop this; it's the will that's lacking

Students for Justice in Palestine plans 'Day of Action' one day after 9/11

The National Students for Justice in Palestine organization has announced it is planning a “Day of Action” one day after the anniversary of 9/11. 

In a post on the group’s X account, the National SJP stated that they are fighting back against “University repression” and they won’t be stopped by universities or “Draconian speech codes.” 

Stating that this last “school year, the Student Movement for Palestine showed the world what we’re capable of,” the National SJP stated that there is “only one way out: cut ties with the Zionist entity.” 

In the group’s announcement of the “Day of Action” for their followers on Instagram, the group added that “the student movement for Palestinian freedom, will organize our campuses and ourselves. We will build with our student body, our faculty, and our staff, constructing a mass movement to take back our universities and force them to divest.” 

  • Arrest them: trespassing, vandalism, causing physical harm, rioting — there will be plenty of reasons

  • Revoke their student visas and deport them

  • Expel, permanently, any student convicted of any crime committed during the riot, including misdemeanors.

Of course, you’d need school administrations to join with the police, prosecutors and the courts in enforcing these strictures, and that won’t happen, but it could. So it’s a fair inference that all of this is happening with the consent of the universities involved.