I turned it off when he brought up cats for a third time

And that was early into the debate. It’s hard to believe that anyone could look sillier, more fatuous than Kampallawalla, but Trump pulled it off, and made Harris look almost, dare I say it, presidential in comparison. Our open border, and the disastrous effect of the resulting flood of uneducated criminal immigrants, is one of Trump’s strongest issues, but he undercut his argument by returning, again and again, to the missing cats of Springfield; a great source for funny memes, but a stupid diversion from last night’s opportunity to impress undecided voters. Just as a for instance, he could have pointed out that the 20,000 Haitians in that town of 38,000 were there legally, shipped in by Biden/Harris under the very refugee parole system Harris was boasting about last night. He failed to do so, and focused on the trivial, instead.

Just dumb, and very disappointing.