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ABC News Caught Grossly Deceptively Editing Kamala Harris' Disastrous Solo Interview

As RedState reported, Kamala Harris' first solo interview since wresting the nomination away from Joe Biden did not go well. The vice president seemed ill-prepared, rambling on about things unrelated to the questions being presented by ABC News reporter Brian Taff

One particularly egregious example occurred when she was asked to give just two specific things she'd do to bring down costs for Americans. What followed was a mind-numbing word salad in which she spent nearly a quarter of the interview (which was only 10 minutes long) rambling about being "middle class."

The above exchange can be seen online by going directly to ABC 6's website. Guess who didn't see it? That would be the network's television audience. According to Tom Elliott, who runs Grabien, a media service that archives news coverage, ABC 6 and Taff made an astonishingly dishonest edit to the interview before playing it on the nightly news. 

Specifically, the above word salad was completely cut out of the interview, and instead, a later portion was spliced in. In the recording of the live broadcast, you can hear Taff ask the question posed in the above excerpt, yet the answer Harris is shown giving was not her actual answer in the interview.