Remember when all the best people scoffed at the notion that the Replacement Theory was a right-wing myth? They lied. (UPDATED)

Coming to our rescue: "As many communities struggle with labor shortages in key professions like teachers, nurses, and doctors, refugees have a critical role to play in filling staffing gaps."

Nearly 500 Elected Officials Call for MORE Migrants to Be Admitted

David Striom, HotAir:

As the open borders crowd takes this opportunity to make their case, they have fallen into a trap: exposing their agenda to flood the country with noncitizens who need welfare, get rent subsidies, drive up housing costs, and drive wages for Americans down. 

Yep. We are importing Haitian doctors and teachers. Uh-huh. 

UPDATE: If you follow the link to the original X post and scroll down the replies, you’ll find, alphabetically by state and name, a complete list of the signatories.