And if I repost Green’s criminal act, what then?

Stephen Green, PJ Media:

ARREST ME: I Just Broke Election Law in California With this AI Image

The Governor presides

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation on Tuesday making it illegal to "with malice, knowingly distribute an advertisement or other election communication containing materially deceptive content," 120 before an election and 60 days after.

"With malice," really?

Oh, Gavin — my black little heart is filled with so much malice for you and your statist party that it would have to grow six sizes today just to get half as big as the Grinch's after he learned the true meaning of Christmas. 

The Democrat and mayor of the former best-run, most-livable city in the whole dang world, San Francisco, can be seen in the above photo announcing he'd placed his royal seal on Assembly Bill 2655. "Safeguarding the integrity of elections is essential to democracy, and it’s critical that we ensure AI is not deployed to undermine the public’s trust through disinformation – especially in today’s fraught political climate," Newsom said in a statement.

The phrases "First Amendment" and "freedom of expression" were nowhere to be found.