Glenn Reynolds: "A key weakness of America’s ruling class is that one of its major bonding tools is open contempt for those it rules."

Seen on InstaPundit:

KEVIN WILLIAMSON HAS BEEN A BIG DISAPPOINTMENT: It is striking that these defenders of democracy spend so much time attacking not Trump but Trump’s supporters. They throw outrageous insults at them, portraying them as ignorant poltroons who should learn to code, take up voodoo or santeria if they want to fit into their communities, and, for God’s sake, learn Creole. Trump has forced many of these people to reveal something that was either true always about themselves or has become true as Trump derangement syndrome has rotted their minds: they hate Americans.”

Reynolds link directs the reader to David Strom’s latest article in HotAir, and Strom is referring to the traitors in our midst, not the traditional enemies on the Left.

'Conservative' Writer Calls J.D. Vance 'Gap-Toothed Cletus'

And more from National Review’s alumni stable of Uni-party scribes: