How would he know?

Biden falsely claims he's never spoken to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell as president

Biden met with Powell in the White House in May 2022

At least three times, in fact.

President Biden on Thursday falsely claimed he had never spoken to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell as president, despite having a meeting with him at the White House two years ago.

Biden, during a speech to the Economic Club of Washington, said, "Unlike my predecessor, I respect the Federal Reserve's independence as they pursued a mandate to bring inflation down."  

"And that independence has served the country well. And by the way, I've never once spoken to the chairman of the Fed since I became president," Biden added. "We'll also do enormous damage to our economy if that independence is ever lost." 

However, in May 2022, Biden met with Powell in the Oval Office in what Bloomberg described in a report as his "third in-person session with Powell" since becoming president. 

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

In fairness to Ol’ Dependables, he lost his memory long ago, despite Kampalla’s and various media types’ insistence that he was sharp as a tack and functioning as late as June of this year. Here he is in 2022, around the time he was meeting with Jerome Powell for one of those three meetings. Can we really blame him today for not remembering where he was, or who he talked to two full years ago?