Kampalla FINALLY reveals her foreign policy strategy: "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs". You’ll have to elect her to find out the rest of her “thinking”.

If we thought you needed to know any more, we'd have told you. now shut up and vote

Cooking host Padma Lakshmi: Harris’ culinary skills ‘might say even more about her success as a leader

The TV host, chef and actress wrote in a New York Times column, 'I want a president who is intent on nurturing and nourishing all Americans'

This is the (only) kind of coverage of Harris’s campaign that the Times is providing its readers this year. Many decades ago, the paper had a reputation as a legitimate, serious source of news; that hasn’t been true for a long time, if it ever were. See, eg, Duranty, Walter, and Stalin’s Holodomor, 1930-1933.