I don't care how privileged college students spend their post-adolescent years; I do care that they and our betters expect the rest of us to pay for their frivolity

Ivy League Idiocy: Barnard Offers ‘Queer Caribbean Critique’ Course

Barnard’s “AFRS BC3021” or “Queer Caribbean Critique” course, worth “4.00 points,” will apparently lead students down a magical path of glorifying homosexual licentiousness and hating Europeans. Below is the jargon-laced description of this course:

This seminar analyzes the different critical approaches to studying same-sex desire in the Caribbean region. The region’s long history of indigenous genocide, colonialism, imperialism, and neo-liberalism, have made questions about “indigenous” and properly “local” forms of sexuality more complicated than in many other regions. In response, critics have worked to recover and account for local forms of same-sex sexuality and articulated their differences in critical and theoretical terms outside the language of “coming out” and LGBT identity politics. On the other hand, critics have emphasized how outside forces of colonialism, imperialism, and the globalization of LGBT politics have impacted and reshaped Caribbean same-sex desires and subjectivities. This course studies these various critical tendencies in the different contexts of the Anglophone, Francophone, Hispanophone, and Dutch Caribbean

Tuition at Bernard is $67,602, plus fees.