The NYT seems determined to retain its title of worst, most sycophantic major newspaper in the world

As American suck-ups held a concert to celebrate the 100th birthday of Jimmy Carter, this county’s runner-up to Joe Biden as worst president in our history, the Times reports on his accomplishments:

“In many ways, the concert “mirrored the scope and ambitions of the man it was celebrating: Global and idealistic in its reach, but firmly planted in Georgia, molded by religious and cultural traditions as well as the rich but complicated history of the rural South.”

Robert Spencer begs to differ:

Accomplishments? During his one term as president, Carter fought the “energy crisis” by scolding Americans for using too much energy and overseeing a proliferation of government regulation in order to make Americans become more energy-conscious and less wasteful. But the whole endeavor was built on sand: there was actually no energy crisis. The world’s oil reserves did not run out in the 1980s, as had been predicted, and not because Carter saved the day by winning what he called the “moral equivalent of war.”

Carter only made the real problem worse: oil companies were so beset with restrictions and regulations that they couldn’t take adequate steps to find new oil supplies. Carter’s successor, Ronald Reagan, changed that, and the days of the energy crisis were over, at least until apocalyptic climate hysteria of a different kind became the centerpiece of later Democratic presidents’ efforts to assert even more federal control over the lives of Americans.

The Department of Education is another Carter failure. Despite pouring tens of billions into U.S. public schools, student performance has not improved; just the opposite has happened. Even worse, the federal bureaucrats who oversee the Department of Education have created national standards and curricula that are marred by a pronounced leftist bias. This has taken the form today of a manic attention to race and diversity, at the expense of giving children a basic education. 


Meanwhile, the Iranian hostage crisis, as well as the abject failure and apparent amateurishness of the rescue operation, epitomized the Carter administration’s impotence in the face of repeated provocations from the nascent Islamic Republic of Iran. In a very real sense, Jimmy Carter is the Father of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a rogue regime that still viciously oppresses its own people while allying with and financing jihad terror groups around the world.

 Only Old Joe Biden has now ensured that Carter will not be thought of as our worst president ever. So what were these people celebrating? Why are “celebrities” usually on the wrong side of every issue? If Jimmy Carter was a great president, the nation sure could use some bad ones.