They're here to stay — permanently

The news cycle is focused right now on the newcomers from Venezuela that our Border Czar has invited in, but the real story is that none of the 11 - 33 million illegal aliens that have crossed our border and settled here will ever be deported; our laws might allow it, but our courts and the liberal law groups funded by Soros and every billionaire’s child’s — including his own* — will make sure that these people are ours forever.

Even Tren de Aragua gang members will remain, because their home country won’t accept deportees, and U.S. law forbids deportations of illegals to countries that won’t take them. In fact, a 2001 U.S. Supreme Court decision means that these people can’t even be held for indefinite periods and must be released to roam about the country, to prey upon the rest of us.

If dissolving our borders isn’t being done in order to dissolve our country itself, what other explanation is there?

  • And here’s an irony: despite opposing walls on our borders, the NYT has placed this story behind its own cash wall: › 2024 › 09 › 23 › nyregion › a-venezuelan-gang-reaches-new-york.html

A Venezuelan Gang Reaches New York - The New York Times

3 days agoThe Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua — a feared criminal organization that concentrates on sex trafficking, human smuggling and drug dealing — has emerged in New York City amid