"And this time we really, REALLY mean it — no joke!

BONUS MATERIAL: Here’s how the hysterics and their media tools keep up the charade.

USA Today (with the assistance of Zuckerberg and his Facebook empire): “Fact check: False claim global polar bear population has increased in recent decades”. They’re attempting debunk this chart:

USA Today: The graph shows global population estimates from 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009 and 2021 taken from the Polar Bear Specialist Group’s most recent status report. But experts say those figures, especially the earliest ones, are unreliable, and the variety of methods used makes comparisons between those years illegitimate. 

“Populations have not grown,” Steven Amstrup, chief scientist for Polar Bears International, said in an email. “Rather our growing knowledge has shown there may be more bears in these areas than we previously thought.”

Translated: “We had no solid data on which to base our original claim, but who needs facts when the fate of the world is at stake? So we made it up.”