Fortunately, the Border Czar and her Democrat bosses are ensuring that that won't happen here

Continental Gaslighting: EU Releases Alarming Report - Europe Is Too 'White' and 'European’, titled, “Welcome to Barbieland”

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) has published a report warning of the danger that “whiteness” and “Europeanness” pose to the European Union.

Titled Welcome to Barbieland: European sentiment in the year of wars and elections, the September 25 report discussed how many people have become “visibly disillusioned with the European project” in a way that has surprised those supportive of the bloc.

Rather than citing economic or energy issues faced by the EU, the report blamed, among other things, how “white” the MEPs elected by EU citizens are following the 2024 European Parliament elections in June.

The health of democracy inside the EU is being undermined by several blind spots of European political leaders, comprising the EU’s “whiteness”, a subdued European sentiment in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and evidence that Europe’s youth show signs of being unconvinced by the bloc today, according to a report published Wednesday by the European Council of Foreign relations.

...In a section headed “Beyond ‘western’ Europe”, the report’s authors note that CEE populists seized on the 2015 refugee crisis to argue that their countries were not inferior to the West, a feeling they had laboured under since accession, but were in fact superior “because they had not lost their cultural identities to multiculturalism”, while the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia proved they were right all along about Vladimir Putin.

“[N]ot only might many people and governments in Central and Eastern Europe feel vindicated, but they may now also claim the right to moral leadership in the EU,” the report says.

The danger from this, the report posits, is that CEE citizens are in danger of drifting even further towards “an ‘ethnic’ understanding of Europeanness”.

As evidence, the report cites the fact only CEE governments have expressed opposition to implementing obligatory relocations that form part of the EU’s new migration pact, while Czechs, Slovenians and Bulgarians are among the EU societies most likely to nominate immigration as one of the top two most important issues facing the EU.