Only recognized as a separate species in 2021, there are 51 Rice's Wales in the world; a judge is shutting down the entire oil production in the Gulf of Mexico to protect them

Priorities: sufficient energy to run the U.S. economy, or delaying the inevitable extinction of a sub-species of Bryde’s whales. That’s 345,000 jobs eliminated, 15% of our total crude oil production, 5% of our national gas and 51% of our oil refining capacity*

Judge's ruling could end Gulf oil production: 'Death by a thousand cuts,' senator warns

Federal courts and the climate lobby are waging "war" on the American oil worker by blocking fracking permits, Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy told FOX Business in response to a recent piece from the Wall Street Journal editorial board on Tuesday.

The WSJ article homed in on restrictions placed on offshore drilling, emphasizing, in particular, a recent court ruling from Federal Judge Deborah Boardman which could, in their words, "stop almost all offshore oil production in the Gulf of Mexico."

… When Varney asked whether offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico could come to a halt, Cassidy replied: They're trying to "increase the cost basis."

"They don't want to ban fracking, so to speak. What they're trying to do is just death by a thousand cuts and, if you can never get the deal done, your costs rise, and finally you just walk away from it. You see projects where this happens, and they're doing it on the basis of ‘environmental justice,’ which is very difficult to define," he said. "Ultimately, this is a war on the American worker, the global environment and our allies."

The Journal's piece stated that Boardman "largely agreed" with the green lobby, who claimed that a 2020 National Marine Fisheries Service environmental assessment on the risk of endangered species in the Gulf failed to adequately consider "risks from potential spills to threatened species and lacked sufficient protections for the rice whale."

"The judge largely agreed, and courts typically remand environmental assessments to agencies for revisions when they find shortcomings. Not Judge Boardman, who vacated the assessment, meaning new drilling permits and leases can’t be issued until a new biological opinion is completed and existing ones may also be legally void," the piece explained, adding, "Oil production in the Gulf could grind to a halt in December when the vacatur takes effect."

The judge who has ordered this shutdown of production and the loss of 345,000 jobs is Deborah Boardman, daughter of a Palestinian immigrant, who spent six years as an associate (never reaching partner) in a large D.C. law firm’s pro bono department, left that firm when she was turned down for partnership to serve 11 years as a public defender for the District of Maryland. Appointed a (mere) federal magistrate in 2019, Biden plucked her from obscurity in 2021 by nominating her to the District Court for Maryland and she was (barely) confirmed by the Democrat majority, (with idiot Lindsey Graham voting “present”.

Our country is in the best of hands.