George Washington never slept here, but Donald Trump did; in fact, he owned it.

With 25 Seldon Lane finally shuffling off the scene, I asked FWIW’s official MLS historian — that would be Gideon — what property is the new title holder for our oldest listing. The answer is 21 Vista Lane, first listed in 2009 for $50 million, and expiring, still unsold, in 2023 while priced at $29.9 million. There’s no reason to believe that the current owners have changed their mind and decided to stay put, so we can anticipate its resurfacing any day now.

I forget when the Donald left the premises, but leave he did, leaving it to Ivana, who, I believe, was the seller to these owners in 1999. (UPDATE: She was; see Town & Country article here, including history of the house itself). They de-Donaldized the place, removing the gold leaf from the bannisters and trim, peeling off the red velvet wall coverings, and generally undoing the Liberace look and restoring the original style. The result certainly looks better, but so far, no one has liked the new version enough to fork over this kind of money.

Fabulous location, though.