Because peace is entirely achievable if you all will just shut up and obey

Kamala Harris visits spice shop known for hating and slamming Republicans, calls for end of ‘divisiveness’

Kamala Harris made a campaign stop on Saturday at a spice shop known to openly discriminate against Republicans while calling for an end to political “division.”

The spice shop, Penzeys Spices in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [67 branches across the country — Ed] welcomed the Democrat nominee to browse the store and meet some supporters.

While facing a gaggle of reporters, Harris claimed, “It’s time to turn the page on the divisiveness. It’s time to bring our country together, chart a new way forward.”

“A lot of what I think is happening, and I was just talking with some folks here in Pittsburgh about it, is that people are exhausted about the division and the attempts to kind of divide us as Americans,” said Harris.

“And, them stepping up to make this public statement, I think is, courageous.” 

“But also for people like the folks I was just talking with, it really reinforces for them that we love our country, and we have more in common than what separates us,” asserted Harris in the spice shop.

Penzeys Spices has an entire “About Republicans” page on their website with a staggering 842-word essay bashing the political party.

… Part of the “About Republicans” page on their site, penned by CEO Bill Penzey, informs Republicans they can shop elsewhere: “Going forward we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we’re done pretending the Republican Party’s embrace of cruelty, racism, Covid lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are.” 

In 2022, [Penzey] came under fire for renaming Martin Luther King Jr. Day to “Republicans Are Racist Weekend!”

Here’s their website:



The truth of our time is we’ve arrived at the point where there’s no way to respect the nonsense the Republican Party is promoting and have any hope of overcoming the problems we as a nation and we as a planet face. Given the choice between saving America and planet Earth or saving the feelings of Republican voters, we are choosing to side with saving our country and our world. I’m sorry it’s come to this.

And no, there is no HATE!!! in any of this. There is a whole lot of propaganda at the heart of much of how Republican voters have been steered away from conservative values to what they now seem all too happy to vote for. The thing to remember about propaganda is that it doesn’t just misinform, it also works to make people immune from the truth by convincing them any facts that counter their propaganda are nothing more than HATE!!! But we really have no hate for Republican voters. None at all.

I actually like and respect most of you guys. Sure, there are a growing number that are there for the racism, but I still believe the majority of you have good hearts that want to help and do the right thing. I know you to be trustworthy, and honest, and funny, and caring, and good souls. The problem isn’t what you are, the problem is what you are now voting to support. You guys have been turned around.

Remember when your distrust of big city types, and your deep rooted beliefs in paying your debts, respecting your marriage, raising kids willing to serve, honoring your word, and going to church every week had you voting for Donald Trump over Joe Biden all because Biden’s son had a computer? Or how you couldn’t vote for Hillary because she was over-prepared and used emails? I know that to you your actions seem rational and in keeping with your values, but when it comes to voting you are now consistently voting in people who are the exact opposite of you and the values you hold dear.

What does any of this mean? Going forward we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we’re done pretending the Republican Party’s embrace of cruelty, racism, Covid lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are. If you need us to pretend you are not creating the hurt you are creating in order for you to continue to be our customer, I’m sad to say you might be happier elsewhere.

If on the other hand you still want the best spices and don’t need us to respect what you now vote for to be our customer, Hooray! We are happy to have you here, but know that we will, on a regular basis, try to wake you up from this dream that has you believing there is anything conservative left at all to what the Republican Party has become. We can and will work without Republicans to solve the problems we face, but it sure would be nice to get back to a time where Republicans were equal defenders of equality, the environment, and democracy. We look forward to that day.

(As an aside, Forbes, of course, loves the chain. I remember when the Scientific American was scientific, and Forbes was “the Capitalists’ Tool”. Now, both publications are owned and run by tools; that’s not an improvement.)

Penzeys Spices gets the Inclusion Hero of the week recognition based on its leader's ability to acknowledge political evil and call for change unapologetically. Penzeys Spices is in the retail business but manages to influence the business direction and the world. Let's examine this week's inclusion hero honing in on lessons to take forward and implement in our workplaces.