Well done, my good and faithful servant (UPDATED)

July, 1944, Hungary: A young George Soros points gestapo to his fellow jews’ hiding place

Today at the White House, George Soros will be given our nation’s highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom

President Joe Biden will be has been directed to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to billionaire George Soros and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, plus 17 others, in a ceremony on Saturday.

Soros, the controversial Hungarian-born billionaire, supported Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections to the tune of $175 million, according to Federal Election Commission records

The New York Post reports that in 2024 he gave another $60 million to various left-wing causes and to House and Senate Democrats through his Democracy PAC. 

In addition, according to the outlet, Soros has moved "tens of billions of dollars of his personal net worth over to his Open Society Foundations, which funds a multitude of progressive projects around the world, has also heavily invested in races to install far-left district attorneys in major American cities." Among those DA's are Alvin Bragg and George Gascon. 

UPDATE: Powerline’s John Hinderaker is also appalled by what he calls Biden’s final insult to America (after pointing out, though, that there are 16 days left for Biden’s advisors to top it) and adds this concusion:

Many have assumed that the decrepit Joe Biden didn’t really decide on this year’s Presidential Medal winners. But it doesn’t matter: Soros’s influence is universal within the Democratic Party. There is not a single influential Democrat who would dissent from honoring a vicious anti-American. The Democrats are George Soros’s party.