Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson, 71, is a classics scholar, historian, professor, political commentator, rancher, and about the most intelligent person I’ve read or heard in years. His story of what happened to him recently in the San Francisco airport exemplifies what’s going on in our country, and the thug and morons who are perpetrating it:

Hansen had disembarked and was walking towards the baggage retrieval area when, in his words, I noticed a person loitering on the side of the corridor, someone I assumed was an Antifa-type: skinny, white, mid-twenties, and dressed entirely in black”. As Hanson was walking, he suddenly heard running foot steps behind him and before he could turn around, the Antifa goon smashed him in the back of head, hard, kept running, and raced down the stairs and out of sight.

Presumably, this coward returned to the squalid rental quarters he shares with other members of his gang of heros to boast of his assault on “The Man”, his triumph over a man with ten-times his intelligence and accomplishments, and two or three times his age.

The thought that these people are tolerated, even applauded by a huge percentage of this country’s leftists is infuriating, and disgusting.

Here are some other examples of the ongoing deterioration of our society:

Most disturbing, perhaps, but the attack on DVH is the most despicable:

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