"Unhinged" — sort of redundant, no?

Unhinged trans-rights protester lunges at conservative NYC mom at off-the-rails education meeting

The troubling incident happened Wednesday at District 2’s Community Education Council meeting on the Upper East Side when an irate woman refused to let conservative parent advocate Maud Maron leave, video shows.

“She lunged at me, she barred the door with her body and she said I couldn’t leave,” said Maron, who is now calling on the feds to ensure safety at the group’s increasingly chaotic meetings.

The irate woman, a parent of two trans kids, and other protesters followed then followed Maron from the building and through the school yard.

Because who and what says “boys in girls’ shorts sports better than Hamas supporters and Covimaniacs?

Face masks, Palestinian scarves and birthday hats for the one-year anniversary of the protests, chanting and singing variations of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” and the hymn “This Little Light of Mine” that focused on trans kids and voting out CEC members.