TDS has gripped the nation
/To the White House!
Way back in 1970, when I was a 16-year-old rabble rouser (my politics have changed; that hasn’t) My friend Kevin Brown and I would travel in my VW bus to various demonstrations in eastern cities: Mostly anti-war protests, but I recall one May Day pro-Bobby Seal/commie fun fest in New Haven, just to see what mischief we could stir up. One adventure in Washington is relevant to today’s political chaos:
Kevin and I, festooned with gas masks (borrowed from an unlocked sewage plant in Newtown, PA that Kevin knew of — a slight detour was required), I dressed in a football helmet and carrying a plastic child’s snow-saucer sled on which I’d painted Captain America’s shield logo, went to Washington to attend an anti-war rally/protest.
Making our way to the front of a huge, milling, clueless mob, we shouted “to the White House!” and charged down some random street. To our delight, several hundred sheep followed us, so after few blocks, we chose another street at random, in the opposite direction, and screamed “to the Pentagon!”. We gained, rather than lost members, so we continued, from time to time changing directions to all points of the compass while also changing our supposed destination: “To the Treasury!”, To the Capitol!”. “To the Library of Congress!” struck us as too wordy and obscure, but we came up with other targets, and the crowd continued to grow until we finally tired of the game and quit. I don’t know what happened to our mob — when we left, several were smashing store windows and stoning police cars — but Kevin and I went home.
That confession out of the way, I note that today’s befuddled leftists seem just as confused and stupid as their parents were (I say “were”, but some of those parents are still active, still dreaming of their days as right-on revolutionaries, even if they’re now retired stock brokers). And like Kevin’s and my “followers”, they shift direction on a dime, as instructed and urged on by their controllers. Remember “Occupy Wall Street”? The same people were succeeded by the Pink Pussies, a cause that was discarded in favor of COVID facemask Nazis, and hysterical demands for the mandatory internment of the unvaccinated. That panic was briefly interrupted by the emergence of wife-beater George Floyd parades and the BLM movement, supported by all proper white women (and Greenwich’s own Chief of Police). Then back to COVID until Russia invaded Ukraine, a concern of great import until Hamas murderers and terrorists slaughtered 1,200 Jews and shifted attention to a different direction. Now, the target is Elon Musk. These people have the attention span of gnats, and their manipulators take advantage of that.
The only thing that’s changed over the years is liberals’ increasing use or tolerance of violence; ANTIFA thugs and criminals are cheered on; the murderer Luigi Mangione is lionized; and these past two months, the Deep State has directed them to attack Elon Musk, because he threatens its decades-long reign of power. To the White House, to the Pentagon, hell, why not the library of Congress; what’s it matter to the sheeple?
This phenomenon has been noticed by others as well. Example:
Victor Davis Hanson Says Anti-Musk Domestic Terrorism is Building to a ‘Crescendo of Hate’
VDH calls out where the left's escalating attacks on Tesla are ultimately aimed: “A direct attack on Elon Musk himself."
“It's getting to a very dangerous crescendo of hate."
"Go back 2 or 3 years ago, and he was an iconic Renaissance figure we were told, by the very people who are now calling him disloyal or not purely or not completely American."
"This is one of the strangest phenomena of our time. And it should it should cease. And the reason it should cease is if this rhetoric continues and if this organized — it really is a domestic terrorist campaign against Tesla — increases, somebody is going to do something stupid because they are lowering the bar of what's permissible."
"And we know what that stupid is. It's a direct attack on Elon Musk himself."
Whether its the Tesla terrorism or the SWATTING — they clearly want someone to get hurt or k*lled. Zero doubt abut that.
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) March 22, 2025
Remember this? November 2017:
2025: Global warming is so last year.