Poor Joe, he just can't get a break



Hurricane Ida, which might have pushed Afghanistan off the front page for a week or two, was a flop.

Not that a million without power and flooded streets are nothing, but without crowds in the Superdome and a few thousand dead, the media will soon circle back to matters happening far to the east of Louisiana and resume asking Miss Psaki embarrassing questions she’ll have no (good) answers to.

Doubt it? Ask yourself, when did the last Category 4 hurricane, tied in strength with Ida and the Last Island Hurricane of 1856, hit Lousiana? I had to look it up myself; turns out, that was Hurricane Laura, which made landfall all the way back in August of last year, 2020.

And speaking of education

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Instapundit link here.

Annual tuition at this day school for Washington’s elite: $48,000

UPDATE: I’ve been confused ever since the term “colored people” was declared to be racist, and “people of color” was substituted in its place. Now comes word that “African-American” is “othering”, and “black”, capitalized, must be used instead. Unless, of course, the addressee prefers his/her/its own term, in which case, you must use that.

Not very long ago, this creature was in charge of the nation's school children's education

Proving the adage, “first thought wrong”

Proving the adage, “first thought wrong”

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UPDATE: And Connecticut Democrats are still in charge of your children’s education. Hours, after news of the death of 13 Marines in Kabul reached Hartford, they tweeted this message:

Sebastian Gorka weighs in

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Afghanistan: The Big Con

Gorka took a military-escorted tour of that benighted country in 2006. Here are some excerpts of his thoughts from back then:

… Surrealism was a theme throughout. It was present in the medieval conditions we saw outside of the capital, and it was present in the tragic scene I witnessed on the military side of the Herat airfield. 

We were waiting for our flight back to Kabul, just waiting and waiting. A simple chain link fence separated the military zone of the airstrip from those waiting for civilian domestic flights. On the other side of the fence was an utterly adorable little girl dressed head-to-toe in pink, playing with a doll, and just being an innocent child. Then she toddled over to her mother, sitting on the ground against an adobe wall. No pink terry cloth hoodie for her. Her mother was in a head-to-toe black niqab with a grille that hid even her eyes. That girl would live a free and innocent life until one prepubescent day, when she would be put in a black bag and likely married off to a much older lecherous man. This was the country we and our allies were “nation-building” to the tune of more than $60 million per day for 20 years.

…. I convinced my NATO minders I needed to get outside the wire to roam free before flying back home. Things were relatively stable in 2006, but I was still forced to sign a waiver just in case I was blown up or shot, which I did. What did I find out, as I poked around for myself? One metric tells it all. Of all the Afghan officers, enlisted men, and NCOs we trained at the U.S.-funded academy, more than 40 percent of them simply disappeared back to their tribal regions and militias upon graduation. In other words, the U.S. government paid to train our enemies. 

That is why anyone who was surprised that Kabul and the “host nation” government fell in just 10 days after America spent more than $2 trillion to build the “New Afghanistan” is an imbecile. 

The post-9/11 mission in the hellhole that is Central Asia was supposed to be about just one thing: to destroy al-Qaeda’s ability to use that territory to plan and execute mass casualty attacks on U.S. soil. Nothing else. Not hospitals, not schools. Not “nation-building” or building a “modern” Afghan national Army. 

The Swamp is back — okay, it never really went away

Farewell address

Farewell address

Paul Bradford, American Greatness: Republicans revive Neoconservatism

The Afghanistan withdrawal continues to embarrass the political establishment and woke generals. Republicans see a golden political opportunity in the debacle to attack Joe Biden and his policies. But in the process, they are reviving the dormant neoconservatism of the George W. Bush era. No longer are they concerned with ending the endless wars or stopping mass migration—they want to invade the world and invite the world just to own Biden.

House Republicans issued a resolution condemning Biden’s withdrawal and demanding America stay in Afghanistan “as long as necessary to safely evacuate any United States citizen, lawful permanent resident, and Afghan partner that requests evacuation assistance.” The resolution at first glance isn’t so bad. Most Americans agree that we need to do more to get our citizens out of there and not worry about the Taliban’s deadline for achieving it. Other Republicans, however, are more explicit about what they want.

“President Biden’s responsibility is simple: He should clearly and firmly state that the United States will stay for however long it takes and use whatever force is necessary to ensure we do not abandon our people or our friends,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) saidWednesday. This effectively is a call for an unlimited intervention into Afghanistan with no definite endpoint. McConnell also strongly attacked Donald Trump for daring to consider a withdrawal from Afghanistan.

McConnell’s stance was echoed by Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.). “President Biden should commit to staying in Afghanistan until we have rescued every American citizen and those Afghans who risked their lives for American troops,” he said in a statement Tuesday. “Instead, he intends to abandon stranded Americans to appease the Taliban and meet his own arbitrary political deadline. Joe Biden’s impotence leaves Americans in harm’s way and dishonors our entire nation.”

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) wants Biden impeached over the Afghanistan withdrawal, declaring it “the most dishonorable thing a commander-in-chief has done in modern times.”

The Afghanistan debacle finds the entire GOP and much of conservative media uniting with vociferous NeverTrumpers to condemn the Biden withdrawal. Many of these critics do make the distinction that they support the withdrawal but simply oppose the way it is conducted. But this distinction gets lost in the growing hawkishness of the party. Party leaders have now given Representatives Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) a way back to the GOP mainstream, thanks to shared foreign policy principles. Neoconservatism is back in a big way.

Got to keep our weapon contractors and intelligence service contented. Plus, there are soon going to be a large number of generals who’ll be looking to retire for jobs at those same companies.

“Clean house” should be a goal not limited to just getting rid of Democrats.

We shall fight on Belle Haven's beaches, we shall fight on the streets of Field Point Circle, we shall fight on my tennis court, we shall fight in Bedford Hills; we shall never surrender.

scorched earth policy

scorched earth policy

International Coercive Control Conference to Feature Former State Senator, Alex Kasser-Bergstein

Why would a trust fund heiress, a woman with a JD from the University of Chicago and a Masters in finger painting from Yale, a self-proclaimed lesbian who left her husband and children to pursue her inner child, persist in dragging out her divorce from that husband? Why drag her children into it? The news story announcing her participation in this upcoming pr stunt may provide an answer:

Dr. Evan Stark says it best, “They do it because they can. We still live in a society where people can get away with coercing and controlling another human being, and they can do that in a public arena. With the knowledge of police, with the knowledge of judges, in the presence of doctors and social workers, child welfare workers, largely without sanction.”

There are some people who simply can’t let go, and divorce cases seem to raise these psychotics to the surface like no other litigation. Kasser-Bergstein doesn’t need money; she doesn’t need the house, having left Greenwich long ago; and she’s permanently alienated her now-grown children, yet she persists. Everyone needs a hobby, but when an emotionally disturbed person turns what starts as a form of entertainment — pulling wings off flies, for instance — into her life’s cause and reason for being, it’s … sad.

A Lesson For Joe from Russia, with love, 1864

But no one told me  Dostoyevsky was gonna be on the test!

But no one told me Dostoyevsky was gonna be on the test!

Roger Kimball, writing in American Greatness

…. Did you know that when we stole away from Bagram Airfield at night we left behind hundreds of millions of dollars worth of grade-A military hardware, including 23 A-29 combat aircraft, three C-130 transport planes, 33 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, 170 armored Humvees, thousands upon thousands of rockets and grenades, nearly a million rounds of .50 caliber ammunition, and tens of thousands of rifles? In a stroke, we made the Taliban the best-armed radical Islamic organization in the world.


Why would the United States do that? No, it’s not that the people we elected to govern us trust the Taliban. Joe Biden made that clear. He doesn’t think the Taliban are nice people. But he is appealing to their “self-interest,” you see. We’ll partner with them, we’ll ask them to set up and man the checkpoints on the roads coming into the airport, and we feel confident in doing so because, after all, it is in their interest to play fair. They will do what they say they are going to do—and, more to the point, they won’t do what we fear they might do, things like attack Americans—and we will do what they want, i.e., leave Afghanistan. 

In Notes from Underground, Dostoyevsky treated this liberalizing naïveté to some portion of the contempt it deserves. “Oh, tell me,” Dostoevsky wrote, 

. . .  who first declared, who first proclaimed that man only does nasty things because he does not know his own real interests; and that if he were enlightened, if his eyes were opened to his real normal interests, man would at once cease to do nasty things, would at once become good and noble because, being enlightened and understanding his real advantage, he would see his own advantage in the good and nothing else. . . . Oh, the babe! Oh, the pure, innocent child!

Joe Biden apparently thinks, or says he thinks, the Taliban will make nice because it is in their interest to do so. 

No wonder the Taliban are busy trolling the Biden Administration, posing with ice-cream conesre-enacting the iconic flag-raising at Iwo Jima in American uniforms but with a Taliban flag, vowing to battle “climate change” and ensure women’s rights “under Islamic law.” Ha ha ha. That’s the playful side of an ideology whose dark purpose was summed up by an Islamic radical in the aftermath of 9/11. “We are not fighting so that you will offer us something,” he said. “We are fighting to eliminate you.” 

Accordingly, the proper response to this ideology is not to offer it partnerships in the hope that you can make a mutually satisfying deal that caters to everyone’s “self-interest.” On the contrary, the proper response is to understand, as Benjamin Netanyahu put it, that we are dealing here with “a war to reverse the triumph of the West.”

I’ll add this to Kimball’s own commentary – In February, as their first order of business (after declaring global warming to be the greatest threat facing our nation) Secretary of Defense Austin and Bagram Milley, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff ordered a worldwide stand-down of our military to address the other threat to the republic, “white extremism”.

These are the buffoons entrusted with defending our nation.

Shh! We don't want iSIS to know Corn Pop's out there

Drone Centcom task force

Drone Centcom task force

Pentagon refuses to say who was killed in that claimed drone attack, or even where it happened. If it happened.

“It’s simple”, General Mark “Bagram” Milley explained to FWIW. “If those guys knew we’d killed one of their top leaders, they’d borrow one from the Taliban and send him in as a replacement. This way, they think he’s still off in the bush somewhere, sheep shagging or diddling little boys, and are doing nothing.

“You look skeptical, but c’mon, man, have we ever lied to you?”