A woman needs a fish the way a man needs a bicycle
/If that makes no sense, neither does this:
A 36-year-old biological male dominated the women’s division of the El Tour de Tucson last weekend, an annual cycling competition in Arizona that attracts thousands of amateur and professional cyclists.
Jillian Bearden — who identifies as a transgender women — won the 106-mile race in 4 hours and 36 minutes, the Arizona Daily Star reported.
“It’s absolutely huge,” Bearden told the Daily Star, referring to his victory. “We’re at a moment of time — especially now — where not only do we have to come out but we have to be positive. We have to come together in solidarity and move this country in a direction that is accepting of all.”
The International Olympics Committee recently changed its rules to allow biological men to compete as women without first undergoing a sex-change operation.
These are the same people who claim that global warming skeptics are rejecting science for politics.
UPDATE: Maybe the lady bikers should start training in CT where, according to a study, winter road salt is "masculizing" frogs.
That'd make Mr/Mrs Jillian hopping mad, I'll bet.