The key word here is "outgoing", thank God
/“Institutions can proactively support student success and college completion by” establishing “venues for safe and open dialogue on issues of race and discrimination among students, faculty, staff, and leadership of different backgrounds,” the outgoing education secretary instructs college administrators.
College officials should also train “students, faculty, staff” on “how to support diverse student populations and address the implicit biases we all carry with us,” the education secretary says.
“When institutions become aware of any form of discriminatory harassment that creates a hostile environment, they are legally obligated to promptly and effectively address the harassment, eliminate the hostile environment, prevent harassment from recurring, and remedy its effects,” King commands. “Institutions should also make clear and widely publicize the ways that students can file complaints of harassment and discrimination.
In fact, the secretary is mostly preaching to the choir here, but at least his successor won't persecute those few college administrations left who have resisted drinking the Kool-Aid, so far.