In the name of God, go
/Clay Dumas - like his boss, another enemy of the country bred by Harvard. Time to tax college endowments
White House staffers weepy as they pack their bags and get ready to leave.
And let us pray that this horrible little person is a long time in finding a job:
“This is the only world I’ve known,” said Clay Dumas, who took time off from college to work for Obama’s 2008 campaign, then interned at the White House before being hired four years ago. He said he was searching for a job that would allow him to continue advancing values and policies he worked on in the White House. “Whatever I do next will be a huge continuation of that.”
The values advanced by Mr. Dumas and his superiors were exclusively anti-American, and the perfect example of that was his boss's commutation of Bradley Manning's sentence yesterday and that of the FALN bomber, Oscar Lopez Riviera. Manning was a killer: his exposure of Afghans who had been secretly helping our troops led to their slaughter by the Taliban (a result cheered by Wikileak's founder, who said that "Afghans had a right to know of the traitors in their midst." Traitors to the Taliban - think of that. The FALN bombed and killed Americans over the decades and Riviera, offered clemency previously on he condition that he renounce violence, flatly refused. That's fine by Obama, and why not? He's released dozens of Al Qaeda terrorists to continue their work against us, what's another guy from Puerto Rico?
I had naively thought that it was Manning's being a transgender that caused the left to cheer his release and, before that, lionize him, but their same joyous reaction to Riviera's release shows that any enemy of the United States is a friend of theirs. So goodbye to you, Clay Dumas, and may you never find work that helps you advance your war against us, ever gain.