Well at least it's a bold price cut
/61 Lower Cross Road
After 259 days gaining nowhere at $11.9 million, 61 Lower Cross Road has been slashed a full two-million, to $9.9. That's a significant adjustment to what we Realtors like to call an "aspirational" price, and perhaps it will stir up some interest. Looking at the pictures of this perfectly nice, institutional house, however, I wonder whether there's any market for its type these days.
It's a tad unfair for me to opine on matters of taste in houses like this because I've never personally liked them - formality are not us - but I can say what younger families I work with are looking for, and unlike demands of even just a decade ago, I'm not hearing much longing for a spaces larger enough to entertain 100 guests at a time, several times a year, and that, I think, is what these homes were designed for; people don't actually live in 13,500 sq feet, do they? And if so, must they do so in black tie? Anyway, here are some snaps of the place. You decide.
No, not a family room
Make an appointment for breakfast
What do you do with this space when the guests leave?
In ironic juxtaposition to the formality of the rest of the house, here's the gym - I think they overreacted
Not anymore it isn't