I seem to have been wrong; hey, it happens

62 Arch Street

62 Arch Street

62 Arch Street, Riverside, is reported pending. It was asking $3.499 283 days ago when it first hit the market and never dropped its price. A contemporary, this owner bought it for $2.250 in 2007 and completely redid it, but couldn't change its location on a cliff or its rock ledge that served as a substitute for a back yard. At the time, I expressed skepticism that it would achieve a price even close to its owner's dream (the loss of archives caused by the switch from WordPress prevents me from linking to that review - trust me, it wasn't wildly enthusiastic), but the owner stuck to her guns and got a buyer. 

At what price, we don't know yet, but judging from her refusal to drop it over the past 9 months, I assume it was close to what she wanted. So good for her.

Of course, had i been paying attention and noticed this mock zebra rug, i might have changed my opinion

Of course, had i been paying attention and noticed this mock zebra rug, i might have changed my opinion