Two Old Greenwich contracts reported

74 Laddins Rock rd

74 Laddins Rock rd

74 Laddins Rock, asking $1.3 million. Sellers paid $1.425 back in 2004, and earlier this month, discussing this price cut down to $1.3, I suggested that they'd overpaid. I even opined that the selling price of the identical house next door - $1.195 million, might be an appropriate price to begin negotiations. We'll see what the parties agreed to in a month of so, when the deal closes.

25 Halsey drive

25 Halsey drive

25 Halsey Drive, $1.285 - it started at $1.390 back in June, 2016. Halsey, which is in Havemeyer Park, is a good street in a good neighborhood, so I'm (a little) surprised that it took so long to find a buyer. Maybe the delay was caused by these owner's decision to devote their entire back yard to a pool: yards in Havemeyer are small, and a family with kids might prefer a play space instead of a water hazard.