It's all personal taste, of course, but even with a $1.1 million price cut, I'd take Macpherson, hands down

Lights on, no one home

Lights on, no one home

31 N. Porchuck has dropped from $10 million to $8.9 after just 28 days on the market, but I don't think that will even come close to persuading buyers that there's a deal here. This property provides an excellent example of depreciation: it sold new in 2007 (awful timing) after just 63 days on the market, for $7.850 million, then for $6.250 in 2009. I can't see anything in its new configuration to justify a $4 million price jump or even, as of today, a $3 million hike. The house itself is dull and predictable; a typical home of this era, exactly like all the other houses being thrown up ten years ago, and the property itself is so-so. Porchuck Road is a loser, and simply doesn't command this level pricing. And, despite the agent's claim that the home is a mere "ten minutes from town", I defy him to prove that without getting a speeding ticket - flying cars haven't hit the market yet.

3 Macpherson, on the other hand, is close to town, and has a grace and charm that this builder's spec job does not. And it's about $1.5 cheaper.

No contest.

And in case all nine members of the supreme court stop by to visit, you'll have benching for all

And in case all nine members of the supreme court stop by to visit, you'll have benching for all

Master bedroom and airplane hangar in one: lose lose

Master bedroom and airplane hangar in one: lose lose