Sometimes location is irrelevant, to some buyers
/One Pinetum Lane (corner of Bible Street) listed for $4.475 after failing to sell last year for $5.295, reports a pending sale. Impressively large house, and directly across from the Cos Cob Archery Club, if you're into that sort of thing, but I'm surprised that the buyer wan't scared off by the price history here.
Nothing on Pinetum itself has ever sold for anything close to this amount, but some new construction nearby on Bible Street itself has. 206 Bible sold for $3.715, 192 Bible for $3.150, and 196 Bible for $4.050, but all three of those transactions took place in 2006 and 2007, at the height of the market, and I wasn't aware that the Cos Cob market has improved since then. 196 Bible, for instance, that $4, 2007 sale, resold in 2010 for $2.9.
But again: this is grand house, and if the buyers plan to stay for a while: say, decade, they should be fine.
UPDATE. The interior decorating job is certainly er ... exotic (I believe we commented on this back in 2016)