Nice house


15 Wyckham Hill Lane is back on the market after being pulled, unsold at $3.495 in May, 2018. The new price is $2.995 million, which is a pretty good number for this Hobbs built home. I showed it to two discerning, knowledgable clients back in 2018 and though they ultimately decided that it was larger (7,000 sq.ft.) than they needed, they both approved of its construction and design, and their judgment in these matters is far more informed than mine.

The house is set far enough back from the road that there’s no road noise, which can be a problem for some other homes on Wyckham, so that’s a plus. Owners paid $3.3 in 2000, made some substantial improvements and tried for $5.295 in ‘08 — wrong time for that. It’s been back on the market, off-and-on, since 2014, when it started at $4.495. Time has improved its price, but hasn’t, at least when I last saw it, diminished its quality.

Worth seeing.