Good thing he's retired: General Hysteria hits the airwaves, and boy, is he scared!

Buy your own damn paper

Buy your own damn paper

Trump’s cancellation of government-paid subscriptions to the New York Times and Washington Post makes him “Literally Mussolini!” says retired Army General Barry McTremble:

The White House Trump statement telling the entire Federal Government to terminate subscriptions to the NYT and Wash Post is a watershed moment in national history,” McCaffrey said. “No room for HUMOROUS media coverage. This is deadly serious. This is Mussolini.”

Government employees required to pay for their own reading materials is the crushing of democracy and imposition of martial law? Really, General? Tell it to the Marines.

I cancelled my own subscription to the Times years ago. Why should the money I saved from that decision be seized from me by the government and given to a band of overpaid enemies of the people?

And what are the odds that this same deep state actor will wax hysterical when the actions of his colleagues to stage a coup are revealed? Exactly the same as those for the Times and the Post.

On a related note, yesterday Selectman candidate Litvak’s wife Joanna Swomley took a break from finding hiding places for her household help to hide in while evading the recent ICE raid on back country mansions and defended her Invisible Greenwich group’s placement of phony Trump/Camillo signs around town:

Our agenda is to protect our democracy and people from authoritarianism. This agenda is only controversial to those who don’t see anything wrong with Trump’s undermining of our Constitution, the Rule of Law and our Democratic values.”

Swomley and the general are equally duplicitous. The sole purpose of this three-year battle against Trump is to protect and hide the Deep State’s attempt to nullify the 2016 election. Those who still hope that the revelations in the Inspector General’s report and the separate criminal investigation by John Durham will shock the nation are naive; there will be no coverage of these crimes by any of the Democrats’ media co-conspirators, and certainly their tools like Swomley and General McTremble will forget all about their concern about the “undermining our constitution and rule of law” when the subject turns away from Trump and towards the conspiracy of our intelligence services and the entire Washington establishment to suppress the Deplorable class and continue the erosion of liberty.