A Biological Male Raced a Bunch of Girls — You Won't Believe What Happened Next!


That headline belongs to one of these two stories, only one of which is meant as satire.

Male Runner Named NCAA Female Athlete of the Week

The Big Sky Conference named University of Montana runner June Eastwood, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, the cross-country female athlete of the week.

“June Eastwood finished second in a field of 204 runners at the Santa Clara Bronco Invitational,” helping “Montana place seventh as a team,” the conference noted in its announcement Tuesday. Eastwood previously competed on the University of Montana’s men’s team.

Male Bicyclist wins women’s tournament

The inspiring tale began when Rachel McKinnon, a biological male and self-described transgender woman, went to race against biological women. While you'd expect that the competition would be even, since men and women are the same and in no way are there any biological differences between the two genders, this wasn't the case.

What happened next will shock you.

McKinnon crushed all of them. They didn't stand a chance. It was almost like she had a biological advantage, but …. it must just be her human spirit and dedication that caused her to win against the women.

The heartwarming tale is teaching men everywhere they can do anything if they believe in themselves and also change genders to beat on the women instead of the much tougher men's class.

"It's just so inspiring to see that when you believe in yourself, follow your dreams, and identify as a woman to make the competition a lot easier, you can do anything," said one male cyclist. "I've been struggling with middling performance, but now I know that if I reach for the stars and stop racing against men and crush the women instead, I can be anything I want to be: even a world champion."

But stop the presses! There’s a third story! Motorcycle rider who identifies as a bicyclist sets cycling world record!

There will soon be male sports competitions, and co-ed, but no female sports. It took decades for women to demand and achieve recognition as atheletes in their own right, and it’s taking just moments to see that all get washed away in a flood of political correctness. You go, girl — go away.