A reminder from Sandy Litvack's wife and Greenwich Invisible

Excerpt of a mailing from the “non-partisan” Joanna Swomley, wife of a candidate for public office in Greenwich:

C. RTM. The RTM is supposed to be non-partisan. Beware the Tea Party.

1. There are Republican "slates" running on an anti-tax, anti-debt (long term financing) platform in D2 and D10. Many are also anti-regulation. Running as a slate and running on a political agenda run counter to the spirit of the RTM and we recommend not voting for them.

I made exactly this point about Greenwich Invisible candidtes before the last election, and was attacked as a woman-hating Nazi. I’m delighted that Swomley and her fellow Democrats and George Soros-funded, national Invisible Movement have used the past two years to reflect on the issue and now join me in my call for voting against each and every one of them. Of course, these people have made that hard to do. To quote from another paragraph of her email:

People have asked about recommendations. Two years ago we published a list. We are not going to do so this year because the anti-regulation, anti-spending advocates are targeting certain districts and RTM members for defeat. If you would like a list for your district, please contact us and we will forward your email to members who are "in the know" and have volunteered to provide their personal lists.

An interesting admission here: If Swomley is worried about “anti-regulation, anti-spending advocates” targeting her party’s candidates, she is presumably touting her husband’s position for more regulation and more spending. We already knew that, of course, but it’s nice to see her admit it.

And, finally, It’s cute that Joanna is using the long since defunct “Tea Party” (it was never an actual political party, just a collection of fed-up taxpayers, but never mind) as some kind of boogey man to scare young voters. “Ooooh, watch put, children, or the monster under the bed will take you!” She and her audience bring the same sort of juvenile mental capacity to adult political matters. Like I said, cute.

But we can all take reassurance that there’s nothing partisan about this lady attacking her husband’s opponent: “She’s doing that?” Litvack told FWIW. “I had no idea!”