Caught! Crazed Greenwich police captain Kordick confesses to planting phony Camillo signs

“There’s a whole nest of ‘em here” — Police Detective Mark Kordick points out the homes of political dissidents

“There’s a whole nest of ‘em here” — Police Detective Mark Kordick points out the homes of political dissidents

Mark Kordick was caught and has now confessed to being responsible for the deceptive anti-Camillo posters that sprouted on our roadways and public spaces last week. He has once again been placed on administrative leave (third time? Fourth?) but remains unrepentant:

Kordick said he was mystified about why he was put on leave. He said the signs, as with all campaign election signs, represented his right as a citizen, taxpayer and resident of Greenwich to express his free speech.

But this champion of free speech was previously suspended from duty for harassing and intimidating a fellow citizen, Carl Wrotnowski, when that gentleman placed flyers advertising a public meeting to be held at Town Hall. Wrotnowski posted his broadsheets, and you won’t believe what happened next!

Greenwich Time’s Bob Horton has the story:

In an email sent over his signature as Captain of Detectives, Kordick told [school superintendent] McKersie about Wrotnowski’s plan to hold a public forum in Town Hall “in the event your office wanted to send an official (or off the record) representative to attend the public event.” He attached a scan of the flyer and identified Wrotnowski as “among other things, (he is) apparently both an anti-Common Core activist and participant in the anti-President Obama “birther” movement.

McKersie replied that he and his staff knew of Wrotnowski’s opposition, but would not be sending a representative to the event, off the record or otherwise.

The head of detectives sent a second email to McKersie, after the anti-Common Core confab, with this report: “I’ve been informed that the meeting was sparsely attended. Other than Mr. Wrotnowski only two persons appeared to be in attendance at around 7:30 p.m. That headcount is exclusive of an amateur videographer who was recording an impassioned PowerPoint presentation being given by Mr. Wrotnowksi.”

The subject of Kordick’s harassment was upset, naturally:

“It’s outrageous,” Wrotnowski said when I [Horton] spoke to him earlier this week. He had received copies of the emails in mid-September. “I am puzzled why they would have a problem with someone talking about public education in a public setting. Frankly, I still am under the foolish impression that this is America and it’s still your right to speak freely. (The police) feel perfectly free to skulk around in the shadows.”

Though Kordick defended the police department’s actions back then as a form of “community service” performed to protect citizens from political views that Kordick disproved of, he now purports to see his false flag campaign of last week as the exercise of his own right of free speech. This is more than just an example of gross hypocrisy: It’s obvious that Kordick is still under the delusion that it is his duty to perform the community service of guarding the rest of us from objectionable political thought. Coming from this man, that’s dangerous.

In addition to harassing and (trying to) intimidate Carl Wrotnowski, Kordick has a long, sordid complainant record against him, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment and disruptive behavior in town government meetings. He has been placed on administrative leave numerous times, and the town has paid well over $100,000 in civil suit settlements to atone for his abusive behavior. A recital of just a few of this crypto-Nazi’s actions can be found in this Greenwich Time article, including a reference to Kordick’s “service” as head of the Parking Divison during the period when inadequate record keeping and thievery were rampant. Kordick, a detective and a captain, was shuffled off to collect parking tickets by his superiors as a way to get him off the street and keep him out of trouble, but his gross mismangement of that simple job led to the disbandment of the division, and now he’s back among us, armed and bullying.

Time for this man to be eased into retirement.