From $11.5 mm to $3.9, 1,274 days on market, and still falling

Your great-grandfather’s Oldsmobile is AROUND BACK

Your great-grandfather’s Oldsmobile is AROUND BACK

137 Old Mill Road, “new” today at $3.9 million. David Ogilvy kicked off the festivities here in June, 2014, when he set a price of $11.5 million, and the house remained at that price until November, 2017, despite the deafening silence of the marketplace.* Another broker finally took over and escorted it, gently but unsuccessfully, from $6.7 to $5.8. Now a third attempt is being made; when, oh when, will salavation and a moving van appear?

The house itself is a graceful, 1927 relic (instead of the “masterprice” David Ogilvy described in the original listing, it now cautions, “sold as is”) on four acres of land, and someone with the time, inclination and several million dollars could restore it and have a wonderful home. Whether that someone actually exists is still an open question.