Stopped clock: Kamala finally gets it right

Staff development: Katie Hill grooms her intern for promotion

Staff development: Katie Hill grooms her intern for promotion

There’s a double standard for female politicians, says she, defending Congressman Double Throuple from California.

And indeed there is. Had a male politician been caught out having an affair with not one, but two subordinates, had he brought his lovers to Washington and placed them on the public’s payroll, and had his drinking and mental health issues been exposed, Kamal and the Democrat media crowd would be screaming from the Capitol dome, claiming #metoo! and demanding his immediate execution. Instead, they’re making this particular woman the heroine in a Harvey Weinstein movie. Poor, itsy bitsy, defenseless little girl, done in by mean, wicked males. No word how the young female staffer is part of that oppression, but never mind.

Between those transgender athletes whupping girls in competition, and now this display of feminine weakness, I’m beginning to wonder whether there is maybe a weaker sex after all; certainly the Left thinks so.