As I've been asking for twenty years now, if global warming is "settled science", why do the alarmists keep lying about it?

Davos: where the elite meet to eat — the rest of us

Davos: where the elite meet to eat — the rest of us

Because, as its proponents have admitted, it’s about centralizing governmental power and has nothing to do with endangered gnats.

Horrifying: Media and Climate Hoaxers (But I Repeat Myself) Report That Literally Everywhere on Earth is Warming at Twice the Rate of the Rest of the Earth

If that headline doesn't make sense, well, no it doesn't, but the media and climate hoaxers have been pumping out a huge number of "stories" and "studies" claiming that literally everywhere on earth is warming faster than the rest of the earth.

I assume they do this so they can target one country's population with the propaganda that Country X is Warming at Twice the Rate of the Rest of the Earth as well as targeting Country Y and Country Z with the same basic story. 

The scam works so long as people don't see they're running this game with every country as country X.

But what happens when someone does start searching for this type of story, and then collects up all the nonsensical claims that everywhere on earth is warming faster than the rest of the earth?

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And Tibet, and Britain, and … so on.