Finally, some real estate news!

433 riversville.jpg

Things have been pretty slow these days, and it’s been hard to find interesting transactions to write about, but today John McAtee’s listing at 433 Riversville Road was reported as pending. It was asking $3.750 million and found a buyer in just 28 days, which is happy news, doubtless, for both John and his client.

433 is a 1900 house on 13 acres and looks beautiful, but having once owned and restored an 1840 farmhouse in Maine, I personally feel that I’m over the antique house phase of my life, just as I am wooden sailboats. But not everyone is, and I think it’s great that there’s still a market for neat old houses, as this one’s quick sale attests.

I always caution my clients against making guest cottages too comfortable: guests, unwanted relatives and adult children may be tempted to linger beyond Ben Franklin’s three-day deadline. Still, …nice.

I always caution my clients against making guest cottages too comfortable: guests, unwanted relatives and adult children may be tempted to linger beyond Ben Franklin’s three-day deadline. Still, …nice.