Maybe he can use it to drive little Greta across the ocean to her next global warming conference


The Terminator drives his Pinzgauer on Beverly Hills shopping errand

No mention of Greta joining Arnold on his spree, but she’d doubtless be thrilled.


Or, Greta could be really, really pissed. If so, there’s an app for that:

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—A new mural in downtown San Francisco of Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a surprise for passersby: her eyes are equipped with high-powered lasers designed to seek and destroy carbon-emitting SUVs on the streets below.

“We want the mural to really make a positive impact in the fight against climate change,” a spokesperson told sources. “Greta’s pouty glare is certain to generate guilt and shame in many motorists, but that didn’t seem like enough. By adding the lasers, we can begin taking out the worst offenders in their Hummers and Land Rovers.”

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