"Overly enthusiastic" is overly euphemistic, even for the director of the Humane Society

“Who, me?”

“Who, me?”

The director’s pit bull attacked and killed a 95-year-old woman, tearing huge chunks of flesh from her back and legs, but according to Annie Hornish, director of the Connecticut Humane Society, her little pup was just a bit too rambunctious in his joyous reception of the now-deceased Jill D’Aleo:

“Our dog Dexter was overly enthusiastic in greeting our dear friend (D’Aleo), and the ensuing chaos resulted in this terrible outcome,” she said.

Hornish also blamed a home healthcare aide for smacking Dexter with a metal stool in an attempt to drive the dog off his meal, thereby causing the “resulting chaos”. If only Ghandi still worked in nursing.