To "take", or to "confiscate" acknowledges that one is seizing another's property. To "give" something implies that the gift is yours to begin with

Representative Josh Elliott, (. Hamden): “All your monies are belong to us”.

Representative Josh Elliott, (. Hamden): “All your monies are belong to us”.

“Progressives” to Lamont: “You simply can’t give money to rich people”

“We’re going to act as a block that says you can’t simply be giving money to rich people,” Rep. Josh Elliott, D-Hamden, a member of the caucus, said during a mid-day press conference at the Capitol.

Mr. Elliot and his Progressive Caucus must assume that all income, all assets of citizens belong to the state, and anything those citizens is allowed to keep is a gift from “the people”. As I recall, that’s the position of a hard communist.

As an aside, Greenwich already pays the highest income tax in the state: $20,282 per person. I suppose the sky’s the limit, for Elliot and his cohorts. For now, he’s proposing raising the top rate to 9%, from 7%, but that’s for now; surely they’ll be back soon, looking to further shrink their gift.